Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 14, 2012

We found the chair and are crawling

If you have read this blog for any period of time you would know that the “fun land” chair saved Brendan and my life the first couple of month of Bridget’s existence.  There were days that it was really the only thing that would make her happy or the only way we could get her to sleep!   Over time….somehow without even noticing the chair got replaced by toys and a crib…so there the chair sat…lonely by the side of the couch out of the way and out of view for the most part.  

Well today Bridget saw it out of the corner of her eye and crawled to it.  I swear to you she totally remembered it and had to sit in it….so I brought it out in front of my chair just like I did when she was an infant and she sat in it for a good 30 minutes…This time though she wanted me to rock her and give her toys…treating it like her own little throne! It is no longer a soother;  it is a toy!

 Oh right….in case you missed it…she is on the move and fully crawling.

She is very focused when she plays...always trying to figure out what the toy is about.

The crawl....

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