Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch with Grammy and Grampa

It is pumpkin time!!!  Brendan and I are not really big celebrators of any holiday especially Halloween.   We are those people that put candy in a bowl on the doorstep and pretend like we are not home when the trick-or-treaters arrive.   This year though,  I really wanted to get pumpkins at the farm where Brendan and I got married.  I thought it would be a fun tradition to start.   I invited Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Leroy to join in the festivities and they were totally in!   It was a short visit with grandma and grandpa but it was a lot of fun. 

Grandma Cathy in the goat barn...where the goat ATE her coat!

Surviving the goats,  a pose for the camera before the big search

Grandpa and Mama
Group photo with the perfect pumpkins!

Family photo...Christmas card worthy??

I love my grandma

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