Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pixie Turns Seventeen Months!

Oh my how the time is flying.  I was giggling the other day as I was rocking Beanie to sleep...I was thinking of the countless conversations with Destiny I had about if I would ever be able to get her to sleep without a swaddle and do they make swaddles for 16 year olds....And what happens if she never rolls over...and then I don't want to take her to the doctor for not crawling....All of that to say that Bridget is on her own time schedule and just when I give up worrying about something (Ahem walking)...she shows me that she is almost ready to take the bull by the horns.

Bridget can walk she absolutely chooses not to.  She stands on her own if no one is watching.  Please don't misunderstand me...she is not walking at all...she just could if her life depended on it.  She is a kick!

I know I always say that she is a joy and a funny little girl.  This month I would say that too but I have heard so many times form others that she is a smart little thing...and I have to agree!

A couple of new things this month is to point her finger like a gun and click her tongue...thank you Auntie Destiny.  (kind of like the heres looking at you kid click, click)

She will mimic any sound dada makes...especially songs that have Ooohs, woes and yeahs...followed of course by snaps and claps.

She is in 24 month clothing...which is on par for her...she has always ran in the 88% for height and weight...which generally puts her one size ahead of her age.   I would like to point out that there is a horsey on her dress and tights so getting her to sit still without petting the horse was a miracle. 

No no mama...she said as she almost fell off...I think this pose might be going bye-bye

Oh the famous--knock knock hello game (see 16 months)

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