Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Well thing you can count on from your parents is that you will never have pictures from events that all of your friends have pictures from...instead you get the random pictures of you in the highchair or sitting on the ground giving us a funky this is my attempt to recreate you 2012 Thanksgiving!

Your bib had a turkey on was really cute I promise. 

We went to Nana and Papa's for Thanksgiving.  This year was a very low key holiday. Papa James had just lost his brother Frank,  Nana had just lost the election,  Great Grandpa Nelson just got diagnosed with prostate cancer, Uncle Connor and Auntie Kathleen had broken was a doosy of a all of that said you brought all of us so much JOY.  

You and Papa James have a kindship...when he is in the room...noone else exists.  You only want to be held by him (especially when he is standing)...he walked you around the house and let you point at your favorite pictures---which is the thing you do when you go to Nana and Papas.

Bridget and Papa holding a picture of Bridget and talking about it...Papa has saftely glasses on because he fries a turkey every year

You eating your turkey dinner which was baby food

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Ok so I know with every post should be a picture...but I promise you I have tried....and there is just no way to get one of her bottom teeth....she keeps sticking her tounge out!  She has two that popped up at the same time both on the bottom.  It looks like there may be two more coming in on the top!

I thought I would document this so that when I am old and crazy and you, Baby Bean, ask me when you got teeth I do not tell you something ridiculous like 3 month or when you were two...nope you got them 2 days after you turned one.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pixie turns 12 months!

Happy and never sleeps are the descriptive words I would use to describe Bridget this month.   I am not kidding you even when she has a cold she is smiling.

Physical Milestones: She can totally pull to a standing position.

Favorite Games: She really likes the itsy bitsy spider and pat a cake.  She loves playing with the magnetic barnyard toy that…you guessed it…plays music!

I know these milestone posts are getting shorter…I will get better at this!



Saturday, November 10, 2012

1st Birthday!

When Brendan and I started talking about Bridget’s 1st birthday…we really were not planning on having a huge party.   As discussions progressed,  it was hard to not invite people that love her.   The more the merrier became my motto.   Thankfully,  Destiny helped to secure a location and coordinate the pizza order while I got the invites and party gear together.   We held the party at Sparks Firehouse and Deli in Puyallup.    Brendan made Bridget’s cakes…which turned out awesome!

We had such a good time.   We are so blessed to have amazing friends and family that love our daughter and support us as parents!

The cakes!  (the little pink one was Bridget's cake)

Lori and Hannah

Grandma AH!
Bob, Grace and Kiera (related to Michelle)

me and Grandpa Leroy

The Family Picture!

me,Pat, Andres and Olivia (in the background)

Auntie Vicki, Grandma Billie and Auntie Cara

Auntie Destiny!!!

The workcrew...Laurel and Michelle (plus Kiera)

Grandma Cathy

Singing happy birthday

Bridget was pretty tired by the time we got to the cake.  She was really not that interested in it.

The end of the party:  Grandma Billie and Grandma AH!

We decided at the party not to open presents because Bridget was on the verge of meltdown. When we got home and unloaded this is what our landing looked like....Are you kidding me?! She is set for life!

I could not help it...i just love her cute little outfit!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Grandma Ah being silly...

I really wanted a big girly tutu for Bridget’s 1st party so I put Grandma Ah!  on the hunt…of course she finds 3 different tutus to choose from!  The other thing I really wanted was a 1st birthday t-shirt to copy Keri’s tradition she has with her boys.   Right before we went to Grandma Ah’s house to try on tutus the mail came and dropped off the most perfect shirt from Auntie Keri!  It says being one rocks and has a drum kit on it!!!  It could not be more perfect!!!

If you know my mom….being silly is just a way of life!  What is the point of having grandkids if you cannot be silly and play with them….so this is just one of MANY moments where Bridget and my mom play and giggle together.   It is times like these that you just sit there and think...I am so blessed!!

Goodbye old friend

It is official…I am D-O-N-E, Done!  Stick a fork in it…DONE!  The last couple months of pumping were rough!  All I will say is that body parts are not meant to be put in a machine for hours a day and my body was taking a toll.   But we did it!  We nursed for 1 year!  There is nothing sad about putting this pump away…
I am sure my co-workers, Brendan or Destiny will miss the sound of the pump!  I should have recorded it for the days they long for the sound...oh wells!
Now I have to find a purse!

Papa James... I love you

Sadly, Papa James' brother (Uncle Frank) passed away.  The Krauss brothers are very close and it broke our hearts to see Papa so saddened.  

The funeral was held in Montgomery, TX where Uncle Frank lived.  Right before Papa flew down to Texas he injured his back….All of that to say, that Papa needed a pick me up.   Bridget and I thought we would send Papa a picture to make him smile (even if it was brief).

Uncle Frank was a good, generous man that loved his family very much.  He was the foundation of the Krauss brothers always keeping Nick and James in line.   He will be greatly missed.